MMA PFL vs. Bellator Champs Ceremonial Weigh in Video PFL vs. Bellator Champs Ceremonial Weigh in Video Anthony R.24/02/2024
MMA Claressa Shields’ Stunning Comeback: Boxing Champ to MMA Warrior Shields aims to boost her MMA record to 2-1, facing Kelsey DeSantis at the PFL vs Bellator: CHAMPIONS event in Saudi Arabia on Saturday. Anthony R.23/02/2024
MMA Official Weigh Ins Done: PFL Champs & Bellator Champs Ready. The main event is a heavyweight clash between PFL's Renan Ferreira and Bellator's Ryan Bader. Anthony R.23/02/2024
MMA PFL Champs vs. Bellator Champs – Press Conference HIGHLIGHTS PFL Champs Vs. Bellator Champs – Press Conference HIGHLIGHTS Anthony R.23/02/2024
MMA Mike Tyson will Crown PFL&Bellator Champs with Unique Champion Belt! Mike Tyson will Crown PFL&Bellator Champs with Unique Champion Belt! Anthony R.23/02/2024
MMA PFL 2024: Fighters & Dates Announced, Pre-UFC 300 LV Event PFL on Tuesday announced dates and locations for the first half of its 2024 regular season – and some of the stars expected to... Anthony R.21/02/2024